Contributor: Melissa Kowalski. Lesson ID: 12227
Have you ever had to straighten out a story that was told about you, especially if it made you look bad? It is important to be accurate when telling a story. How does Caulfield score as a narrator?
Watch this edited clip from the 2015 movie Ant-Man when Luis tries to tell Scott a story.
Think about a recent story you shared with friends or family.
Write a one- to two-paragraph reflection on these questions in your notes for the novel.
These same questions have been raised about Holden Caulfield's reliability as a narrator in The Catcher in the Rye.
To learn more about what literary critics have claimed about Holden's integrity as a narrator, read this excerpt from "To Tell You the Truth..." by Susan K. Mitchell.
Then, answer the following questions in your notebook.
After answering these questions, consider the one below.
It is time to finish the novel. Read Chapters 22 through 26 in The Catcher in the Rye.
It would be best to obtain a print copy of the novel, which you can find in a local bookstore or library.
However, if you simply do not have access, you may use this online version of The Catcher in the Rye. It is important to note that this novel will be under copyright protection until 2080, so copies of the complete text are only permitted for educational purposes.
As you read, take notes on three events: the rest of Caulfield's visit with his sister, his visit to Mr. Antolini, and his final meeting with Phoebe at the museum. Write down any events that occur and how Caulfield emotionally reacts to these events.
When you've finished reading and taking notes, move to the Got It? section to explore the final events in Caulfield's trip to New York City.